The Part(ies) Over — Part II…..

Well, the Libertarian Party had their convention over the weekend, the party hopefuls were sorted out, the delegates voted – and Bob Barr is the new nominee for President.

I’m disappointed.

Barack Obama is the likely new President — I believe the American public has had a snootfull of having their rights trampled by the likes of Bush and Co; (he entered office with $1.25/gal gasoline and no enemies; he’ll leave office with $4.00-4.50/gal. a likelihood, having created more enemies than we can possibly ever kill off, and with the Constitution – that ‘goddamned piece of paper’ – a shambles).

I’ll vote for Ron Paul in November — Obama is still pandering to the Cubans in Florida (he can’t seem to figure he can get elected without them); the likes of Al Sharpton, and anyone else who’ll get him some votes – and as for Hillary, while her likelihood of a nomination is moot, I think enough people remember the first Clinton administration – Travelgate, Whitewater, Blowjobgate, and all the ‘friends’ who committed suicide or died under mysterious circumstances – to trust her with the keys to the asylum.

We’ve done a splendid job, yet again, of turning the election of the free-world’s leadership into another tawdry popularity-contest.

No need to worry.

With things as they are, it won’t be long before China and Saudi Arabia own us outright, and we become cheap labor for the up-and-coming gazillionaires and megabusinesses of Asia and the Middle East.

Think Great Britain – in 1918.

Me? I’ll still promote the concept of democracy — voting for a candidate, rather than against someone else — but I imagine that this idea, just like so many others I have, are a thing of the past….

Until later….

7 Responses to The Part(ies) Over — Part II…..

  1. Anonymous says:

    (Yes, folks — I know the logo dates from 2006. I put it there because I was full of hope and optimism — and I was a delegate)….

  2. Billet the Puty Tat says:

    People are the major factors; if they decide to have a change, things will always be different, and they don’t exactly get what they want but at least they have some affects on the final outcomes. Internet is the best tool to educate people while other tools and media have already been taken to be used in the “set” polarized environment.

  3. Anonymous says:

    You know how I feel about this whole election Will. I’m still for Ron Paul, even if I have to write his name on the ballot. I disagree with you though about Obama winning in November though, too many inbred racists in this country. It’ll most likely be John McCain in 2008, which means we’re all f*cked. Oh well, let it all fall apart – maybe then we can finally rebuild a country to be proud of, if there is anything left…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Well, you know I disagree with you about Obama–and I am voting FOR him–because I do agree with you about voting FOR a candidate.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Bob Barr???? These are surely not Libertarians who nominated him. Has the party been taken over by idiots? I won’t vote for Ron Paul, because, as I have frequently commented: I have voted for too many losers. Moon has a point: there are too many inbred racists in the country, and they are not only living in West Virginia and Kentucky….get on the other side of the mountains in Oregon and Washington and you will be surprised. Having lived as a “snowbird” for several years we have seen and talked to a cross-section of these states and were surprised at the racists and warmongers we encountered. One who left Yuma to winter in Mesa sent me hate mail about the Martin Luther King holiday that that county had refused to honor. If we believe in evolution shouldn’t minds be evolving along with bodies? I approve of Obama as an idealist, however “naive” he is. We may just need him to reassure those of us who believe in the possibility of a return to sanity and see him as a stepping stone.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I know, Will…I am a rank novice in American political matters, and can probably safely say i know less than the average ant. But I still firmly believe two things:
    1) the US is not ready for a black President
    2) the US is not ready for a woman, of any ethnicity!

    And sadly, because I believe that, I could vote for Jesus Christ in November, for all the difference it would make to the outcome.

    I’m sorry…I’m a cynic!

  7. ♥♪♫ღ†ღ Cal-el ღ†ღ♫♪♥ says:

    It’s a sad place the world has become.

    Fraternal hugs,


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