A Pause For Station-Identification….

(Here’s some weekend-viewing, along with a little commentary – I ran this around a year ago — and if anything, it’s more cogent now. Enjoy….)

Sorry, folks, but I’m going to rant a bit here.

Y’see, I’m a bit irritated — more than a bit, actually – with the fact that (according to those Gallup polls I posted a day or so ago), most of the American population could care less about the way the country is run, and would actually sacrifice some or all of their civil-liberties in order to fight this amorphous-blob the government calls ‘terrorism’.

Guess what. They have.

And, they’re dragging the rest of us along – to the point where if we want to live in a truly free country from now on, we have the option of leaving – or staying put and trying to fix what a majority of us no longer seem to want – the right to speak our minds.

Office-worker and mill-worker; educated professional and tradesman – it’s all the same. Speak out = Run the risk of a labor camp. It’s all there — the military has the plans; our President just issued the directive and executive-order over the past two months.

Everything’s in place.

Further, we now have a shadow-military, beholden to no one, operating all over the world (but with concentration in Afghanistan and Iraq). They’re exempt from prosecution for any crime committed on their watch:



(Blackwater Corporation – documentary video)

“We have become a monster in the eyes of the whole world – a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us. No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or we’ll kill you.”

— Hunter S. Thompson, writer

I write and post this rather fearfully, because the functionality of government has led us to a sorry pass. Today, we’re in a position where speaking out could quite literally land us in a new American Gulag – and the only difference is that when our sentence is done, we won’t land in the tender embrace of friends and family who see that the government is wrong – we’ll likely land back in an environment where the hostility of that 52% of Americans who believe that the government is right holds sway over everything. No job. No housing. Non-persons.

If that doesn’t sound like Stalinism, I don’t know what does.

This next piece of film might change your mind about elections, also. While I’m still going to vote, and while I still believe that if enough of us get busy and work, our votes will still count – the time may be fast approaching (if it isn’t already here) where we’re powerless to do anything about the powers-that-be:



(Electronic Voting – documentary video)

We live in a nation where the government can create the news.

Case in point. David Broncaccio of NPR, one of the last true reporters in America, did a piece on the election in Florida, where he brought up several of the points in the last video.

He’s a reliable, non-fringe source of news — and his piece has only aired once, with little or no commentary from other sources.

Let’s look at why.

Most of the board-members of NPR are either corporate sponsors with close ties to the government, or government appointees. Tell the truth = Lose your funding.

Fox? O’Reilly is a government shill, telling people what the powers-that-be want them to hear. Spend five minutes listening to an overseas news broadcast on the same topics, and you’ll come away with the same inevitable conclusion.

Folks, we’re being spoon-fed the same Kool-Aid, over and over. Fortunately, it’s our choice to accept it, or no.

“We are watching a poorly-staged rendition of Wag The Dog, interpreted for the morbily stupid and performed by the criminally insane.”

— Jules Carlysle; author/writer/commentator



(“Be Careful What You Say” – Documentary Video)

“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

— Hermann Goering; Reichsmarshall [1933-1945]; at Nuremberg


It’s true, folks.

Be careful of what you say.

So, what’s to do?

Admittedly, the situation looks pretty bleak. We have little or no control over what the powers-that-be are doing right now – and it appears as if the new Congress has pulled impeachment off the table like a plate of bad hors d’oeuvres.

I’m going to suggest something simple, yet impolite: Start talking about it.

Yep. Those of you who grew up with the mistaken idea that ‘talking about politics isn’t polite’ – bring it up as table-conversation at the next neighborhood event or friends-gathering. Chew the fat. Doesn’t matter if you know everything, or not — between you, you’ll find that the free exchange of ideas is the most powerful tool you have.

Remember Margaret Mead, the world-reknowned anthropologist: ” A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” You have a chance here, and it’s yours to lose.

Make it count.

12 Responses to A Pause For Station-Identification….

  1. ____________ says:

    Interesting that you posted this today as I just got finished emailing information to some friends of mine about several executive orders and the implications of each. Actually just printed out about 30 pages of things I want to read (computers bother my eyes too much to read there), so this is very timely for me. Thanks for the post.

  2. ____________ says:

    And you are right on in suggesting that everyone start talking about it, share what you know….. listen to others. There is a drum beating out there and we better start listening before it is too late, if it isn’t already……….

  3. Bobbie (aka VENUS) says:

    Well, I guess we will go together. Because I will not be told what I can say or what I can do. This was a very good…. no this is a great post. Thank you for saying what we all want to hear and say as well. You are the best.

    PS to BIG BROTHER…. I’m in Texas and very easy to find. Just listen to my voice.

  4. Anonymous says:

    amazing blog – and from an American also. I did a blog on the ‘enthusiastic treatment’ of visitors to the US – basically stupid treatment of a tourist with a minor visa vialation 8 uears before! The blog was not a pretty one – but I was amazed to get an official looking apology from a US department.
    It does seem like the US is behaving like a 19th centry empire – but eventually they do loose their power – I expect time will eventually run out for the US.
    Nice video selection also. Thanks

  5. Anonymous says:

    I fear that the people who read your blog are already the educated ones, which leaves the people with no idea outside making the same apathetic choices.

  6. labtech1020 aka mudwrstlr says:

    With my mother having been a journalist who covered politics for years, we were raised on political talk around the table. If you were too young to understand the arguing of ideas then you quickly headed for the door after dinner. When you were old enough to understand, getting away was not quite so easy as you were going to be educated about politics whether you wanted it or not. Now that we are all much older politics is still a common discussion when we are all together. All 25 of us. It is no longer just my parents and my five brothers and sisters but our offspring as well.

    Those kinds of discussions are what made me willing to go out and campaign for the man that I would like to have in office. Though our choices differ and I know you would not choose the same person that I did, I do think that intelligent debate should take place but be encouraged as well.

  7. Donna says:

    I even have a problem speaking up about politics or any other socially relevant things at work , or around any of the people in my small minded little town. What I really need to be is better educated, to have the confidence to speak up.

  8. Anonymous says:


    there is a great deal in your blog today here is a link to more info on Blackwater.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It’s so sad. People don’t realize that once our freedoms and liberties are gone, they’re gone for good, barring some bloody revolution.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Good blog post Will, and good choice of videos. I have seen the Palast videos, but this was a bringing together of ideas and information that was succinct. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Crystal:
    “I fear that the people who read your blog are already the educated ones, which leaves the people with no idea outside making the same apathetic choices.”
    I must say though that in November 2006 we lost some old friends during a political discussion when I offered that their position was based on the lies being told on Fox News: Sunday they dropped by to see us, and were pretty interested in who we were planning to vote for. They had lost faith in the Republicans and were looking for a new place to put their trust. I suggested watching Keith Olbermann, and since we are supporting Obama as the only viable candidate with no ties to K Street, they were interested in hearing about him. Sadly, I think their turnaround, some would call it “flip-flopping” is because their financial situation is threatened. Keep up the good work Will. You have inspired me to come back to the old homestead on 360.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Will! Really! ANOTHER executive order??! Six months ago, I was spending too much time on the tin-foil hat wearing sites and that labor camp conspiracy theory was a popular one. Lately, I’ve been too busy to read that stuff, and oddly…I feel more hopeful!
    David Broncaccio is hosting NOW on PBS these days, (Friday nights at 8?) and he’s bombtastic , for sure!!
    I have to read up on the labor camp thing. Haven’t. I don’t want to start thinking I need to have ‘bug-out’ bags ready and canned food caches in the woods.
    Great read, mister.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Kim, the best reporters are bombastic, curmudgeony, dismissive types like Broncaccio and Olbermann – the worst of the lot are shills like O’Reilly. Unfortunately, it takes some interest, education, and sophistication to see the *difference*, and that sort of thing has been viewed poorly since the ’60s. Egalitarianism is a good thing in some areas of life – but when it comes to who rules, it’s not. We all need to set the bar *high*,and vote accordingly — and if that means that we become a nation of dismissive bombasts, I’m for that.

    Kitty, thanks for reading and commenting, as always. You have, as I’ve said before, a unique perspective due to your years; while I’m not a fan of Obama, I respect your right to do and be so – sadly, the only reason some people will support a candidate is *because* of financial reasons — the problem is that there’s no place to hide; everyone’s ox is getting gored in this process, and the stand we take is going to have to be unpopular if we’re to survive as a nation….

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